Saturday, August 25, 2012


Nicki pushed her comforter off her body and was hit with a cold .gust of wind. She hugged herself ass she walked across the cold wooden floors and made her way to the open stained window. She stood a few seconds looking over at the moving van next door. Lord, new neighbors. She pulled the window shut and hurried back to bed for some warmth. Hopefully Candi is ready to hit Club Shazz tonight I'm trying to get bent.

Nicki stood in her mirror looking over herself. She was nude besides her jewelry and make up from the night before. Nicki was young, beautiful and full of life. Every night she was at a different club throughout NY, Philly and Jesery. Her and her girls on a hunt for fine guys, who love to spend money and good spit game for Nicki anyway. She wasn't giving up the box unless he was begging for it like a dog. She smiled at her reflection as she checked herself out.

"Damn, Nic you bad."

"I know."

She replied to herself laughing a little. She removed the old make up with a cleansing wipe then took off her jewelry. She hopped in her running shower and washed herself of last nights party.


"Nic, Gworl Marquez is calling you."

"I don't give a fuck bitch."

"Damn, what he do now?"

"Nothing I'm just not fucking with him tonight. He's in my way of something better."

"Lauren and Nic get yawl red asses down here and see the fine ass man that just moved next door."

Candi shouted walking into Nicki's small home. They both rushed to the side window to see a fine brown skin, muscular, full pink lips and tall drapped with ice man walking towards the house with a little brown skin chick.

"Damn! That nigga is banked..."

"I bet his dick taste like licorice."

"And snaked too."

Candi and Lauren high fived then burst out laughing. Nicki rolled her eyes. These two bitches and their hoe spirits. He is fine though, but I'm not about to be thirsty over no dick. The way he looking, he probably already got a bitch waiting on him hand and foot like a stupid ho. She chuckled to herself as she grabbed her keys and headed for the door. Candi and Lauren exchanged a "What the fuck?" look as they followed behind her.

Nicki got into her black BMW then honked at Candi and Lauren as they drove off down the street. She pressed her garage button then pulled off trailing them to Lyeme's house.


Lyeme was the only NBA baller in their hood or whoever visited their hood. He made sure to stay down with his niggas from Queens especially with Candi since they had a child together, but she didn't want to be a "Basketball Wife". Shit, I don't know what's up with Candi ass but I would of left with Lyeme if he was giving me the dick and got paid. Nicki shook her head as Candi and Lyeme basically sucked face. These two fuck partners. She giggled at the home coming sex Candi told her about.

"Did yawl forget we here also?"

"Hell can they still breathe? Exchanging nothing, but hot breath and carbon dioxide."

Lauren howled at Nic's remark then wiped her eyes as Nic gasped for air. Lyeme stood at about 6'0 with a lean body mass and a boyish cuteness that he managed to keep even through the stress of being one of the greatest NBA Ballers. He flashed them a thin lip smile as he wiped Candi's lipstick off with his tattooed cover arm.

"Yo chill you know I only get to see my baby every so often. I gotta make up for the time."

He stated tugging on Candi's T-shirt. She was dressed real cute and sexy with her zebra painted on leggings, matching bra that could be seen through her white top and some black heels she snatched from Lauren's closet. Cute ass. Nicki thought looking Candi over as they engaged in small talk and stupid convos of the past.


"Club Shazz is the place to be tonight ma, you gone be there with yo pretty ass?"

"Sure will you gone get me in free with my pretty ass?"

Nicki asked looking him over seductively. He leaned against his car and smirk hard pressing Nic from head to toe. He likes what he see from the look in his eyes. Nicki traced her lips slowly with her tongue and pressed up against his large belly.

"What you gone do for me, ma?"

"Show you a good time and bring some of the sexiest bitches from NY, daddy."

I got him where I want his tubby ass. In my pocket. She smirked feeling his hand pressed agajnst her back and his lips on ear.

"Cool, I got you ma!"

She removed his hand and turned around slow then walked off fast towards her BMW. Lets get this shit popping Philly!


Nicki was vibing and sipping as the music of Philly boomed through the speakers of the club. She was dressed to pick up tonight. Damn I need me some good dick tonight and a few hours of tongue. She was now in a sandwich between Lauren and Rayhem, Lyeme's brother. She pulled on Ray's pants' loop as she twerked against his grind. She felt his thin bulge and become disappointed. Fuck I can't thin dick home, I need to be filled up and sore tonight. She switched sides and twerked her ass against Lauren, who was a lesbian drunk, so she felt Nic up starting a waterfall between Nic's legs. FUCK! She held her drink in her hand and placed her hand Ray's chest as she sipped and grind against someone new. A strong pair of hands held her up, but didn't move a muscle. The person's baritone voice boomed in Nic's ear snapping her out of her trance.

"Boss wants to see you."


Nicki was lead into the VIP section by a large guy in an all black suit with gators on. This nigga must of lost track of the era or seasons like I can't. She giggled to herself. The big guy open the door to a group of guys, few sluts and an elderly lady with a divine beauty to her like years old wine. Her eyes roamed the smoked filled room for a familiar face,  but that was a fail. The faint sound of snickering came from her left side as she came into eye contact with to girls with more make up than face. They looked young, real young. She huffed then stumbled over to them with her glass in her hand.

"Joke bitches?"


"Me bitch? Do I look like I'm fucking laughing?"

Her words slurred and she stuttered as the girls continued to laugh in her face.

"You're a newbie obviously, but you'll soon learn."

"Boss is ready for you"

stated the suit guy. He pointed down the hall to a door that read boss in red letters on it.

I don't know what came over my drunk ass, but I walked to the door like my heart, mind and sense were in my feet. I slowed down a bit when I came within a few feet from the large door that seemed bigger as I put my hand on the knob and twisted it. My legs went weak as I pushed the door open to see a fine brother with pink suckable full lips, nice deep waves, a white beater that showed his nice cut ripped chest and deep brown dark eyes. Behind him was a clear view of the entire club. Damn this fine fucker is watching me. Fuck, that makes him finer. Again my feet took over as I made my way to the chair across from him.

"I been watching you beautiful."

"Is that right? You like what you see?"

"I love what I've been seeing."

He stated with his voice full of sex and lust. Damn, let me sit on your face. He staring at me like he's hungry. Come eat me, fuck!

Nicki's voice caught in her throat as he stood and walked around to her. He pulled her off the chair and took her place then pulled out a remote. He pressed a button then pulled her until his lap. He pulled her against his chest and whispered in her ear.

"Dance for me."

I don't know what the hell came over me beside my dripping panties, but I werked his lap with my ass. His dick bulge was right up on my center. He was thick and long. I bounced harder feeling him get hard under me.

"Fuck Me!"

"Later, but now I want your cream."

Damn, he had me bent foward with my legs spread, dress over my head and thongs on my thigh. His tongue was God sent to pleasure me.

Boss nuzzled her pussy with his nose then dipped his tongue in her nectar as she tried keeping her balance. She wiggled around on his tongue threw it back in his face whinnig against his face. He slowly licked up and down her center as moans escaped her mouth.

Fuck, this nigga was a God with his tongue. WOAH! Nicki thought as he lapped up her juices that flowed down her leg after she bust her sweetness in his mouth. He licked her clean then ate her ass with her head on his lap and her ass on his face. He licked around her asshole then began sucking, licking and biting her ass and between her cheeks.

"Fuck! I I I shit!"

Nicki bust all over his face and forehead as he dipped his tongue in her asshole. He helped her up then handed her a cloth. She cleaned up herself then finally got to look at him. He was def her time, but what he did next fucked up her mood.

"You can go now, I'll keep in touch Nicki."


"You can go."

"Oh, hell..."

The suit guy came in and pulled her out of the office. He placed her down outside the door then went back inside. Nicki began to kick and beat on the door.

"Oh, Hell no! He not gone treat me like a fucking fuck!"

"Open this fucking door or I'll burn this bitch down!"

She beat and kicked the door until she got tired then walked back out to the crowd face the window and flipped him off.

"Bitch where you been let's go!"

"Yes, lets."

"Where were you Nic?"

"Here mingling, Duh."

She lied rushing out the club with them by her side. When she got to her car there was a note in the window.

I'm always where you need me and when you want me the most call me. 555-933-4328 - Boss

Nicki ripped it up and threw it on the ground.

"Fuck you, Boss!"

She yelled pulling off down the street.


  1. Love it! She a straight hood rat! And Boss let her know that! Boss sound sexy as fuck! I support this BooBear!

  2. I like this..Okay who tf Is this BOSS man and how do he know her name since she just gettin freaky with a random dude. Oh and Nic Lauren and candi all some freaks

  3. Yes for this! I like how this is going! ^_^

  4. Yo wait why haven't I been reading this... Continues to read

  5. Yooo, I Like This Story Already! :)) Im Here For This!
